Pete Fragale, board member of Hometown Mentors, is shown presenting a check from the Pittsburgh Pirate Charities organization to Steve Brown and the Cameron County Little League organization. Fragale began early last year working on the Pirate Charities grant and after persistent efforts received notification from the Pirates of the grant award. The check, in the amount of $10,000, was awarded to Hometown Mentors and the Cameron County Little League to be used solely for the girls’ Little League Softball program.The grant money and any matching funds will be used to make improvements to the girls’ softball field and to purchase new equipment for their program. Hometown Mentors is an organization formed by people who want to find ways to give back to Emporium and Cameron County. Shown in the photo, front row (l to r): Pete Fragale, Steve Brown and Carl Brown. Back row: Sandy Bresslin, Ron Bure and Glen Fiebig.

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