Wandering Aimlessly


Baltimore Oriole

by Phil Burkhouse


I do not like blaze orange clothing, never have and never will.  I fully realize the safety benefits of wearing blaze orange in the woods and, while I comply with it, I don’t have to like it.  When I hear statements such as, “If it’s brown, it’s down”, or “I heard some noise in the bush and took a shot to flush it out”, I understand the need to wear orange—some mentalities really ought to stay in the house and play video games.

There is, however, some blaze orange found naturally in the woods that I thoroughly enjoy.  I marvel at some of the outlandish fungi robed in orange, but my favorite blaze orange outfits are found in birds.  I love to see the little male Blackburnian warblers with their blaze orange throat patches and also a much larger bearer of the orange—the Baltimore oriole.


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