Driftwood Senior Center Teams Up With Sinnamahoning Ambulance



The Driftwood Senior Center welcomes Monica Chilcote and LaDonna Ross from the Sinnamahoning Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Service on Tuesday, May 8th.  Monica and LaDonna will be introducing “The File of Life” program to anyone in the community who is interested in making the first responders’ job easier and keeping you safe.

The File of Life program is all of your latest medical information, including allergies, medications and contact persons all in one place. It is written down on a card and ready to be utilized by EMTs. It can make a difference between life and death. Many times first responders go to homes and the patients have had a stroke or are unresponsive and can’t answer questions. It’s very helpful in all of these situations.

The file of life is a magnet with a card inserted, which contains all of this. It is then attached to the front of a refrigerator and readily accessible by first responders in the event of an emergency in the person’s home.


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