Local Industries Donate Raider Pride T-Shirts



Students from Woodland Elementary School sported their new Raider Pride T-Shirts, which were paid for by Embassy Powdered Metals and GKN Sinter Metals of Emporium. These shirts were made available for all students in kindergarten through sixth grade. They were printed by Art & Ink of Emporium and PTO volunteers helped out as well.

The shirts support a new School Wide Positive Behavior Support program which is being implemented this school year in the elementary school. The school’s motto is Red Raiders are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready. School wide behavior expectations are being taught in all grades kindergarten through sixth grade. Posters can be found at various locations (hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, etc.) with the guidelines for responsible behavior at that particular place. Our goal is to encourage positive behavior in and out of the classroom that will transition into everyday life. These shirts are worn on selected Raider Pride days by students and teachers at Woodland Elementary.


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