Wandering Aimlessly


It’s For the Birds

by Phil Burkhouse


In the 1800s there was not a Christmas Bird Count; instead, there was an annual Christmas or Holiday Shoot.  People would compete in a hunt, and whoever shot the largest pile of birds and animals was declared the winner.  Time and education increased conservation awareness, and in 1900 this holiday hunt was transformed into a Christmas bird census.

In 1918 Congress passed the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to protect birds.  To celebrate this centennial, 2018 has been declared the “Year of the Bird.”  Birding is a very rapidly growing sport that can obviously be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, and at any time.  It can become addictive; some people transition from backyard bird watchers to birders to bird chasers.  Everyone has obsessions and perhaps 2018, the Year of the Bird, will be the year for you to begin enjoying this fascinating hobby.


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