Local Wellness Center Now Open 24/7

As soon as the first of Cole Memorial’s four Wellness Centers launched 24-hour access to their exercise facilities, Robin Leach enrolled and began her journey toward better health right away.

Robin not only participates in the employee wellness program along with over 200 other Cole Memorial employees but she attends weekly yoga classes and the 10-week health and exercise coaching series on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. by Cole’s Exercise Specialist Donna Thomas at the Coudersport Wellness Center. When we think of employee wellness, we need to think of all facets of their wellness, not only at work but at home, it all has a knock-on effect on the employee, so taking care of their mental health at work can benefit everyone involved. There are a variety of ways people can help their journey to wellness, whether that be physically or mentally, we can all be able to feel a sense of security within ourselves and our minds to hopefully achieve better clarity than we previously have done.
For many, they want to achieve this in a way that they can still carry on with their lives as they work towards a better ‘self’. A more natural approach has gained traction over the years as it is seen as more superior to previous help from western medicine, people want to feel like they aren’t harming their body further and look towards nature as a good start. One of these remedies that have become a staple in many lives is medical marijuana and other types that are linked to this, it has shown promise throughout the years and now that weed delivery hamilton services, and others alike, are available, it is easier for people to access and become more relaxed and calm with day-to-day life. For the ones who do decide to go down this road and use medical marijuana as a helpful stress reliever, they may want to look on sites such as fatbuddhaglass.com to see how they can best consume it for maximum benefit.
Wellness must be looked at consistently, and more work needs to be put in to cater to different areas of wellness so that an all-round solution is available to the population.

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