Wandering Aimlessly


A Winter Bear Tale

by Phil Burkhouse


I heard an interesting bear tale through the grapevine that happened to one of Mary’s cousins in the northern climes of Cameron County almost exactly a year ago.  As most people who are woods walkers are aware, bears go into slumber in late fall and, while some do occasionally come out for a winter wander, most sleep the winter months away in a secure nest.

Bears find a denning sight in late fall that could be in a stone formation, cave, blow down, or in the top of a downed tree.  During my reign of terror I have located five or six bear dens in the winter, but I usually locate them with my ears.  As I wander about in late February and March in search of used elk horns I sometimes detect high pitch squealing and whining similar to those made by a human infant. 


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